Fixed Prosthodontics-Impressions Preps Posts
Traditional Prosthodontics at its best!
These systems are tried and tested longer than implants. The importance of tooth supported fixed restorations such as RBB (resin bonded bridges). Crowns & bridges indications and contraindications are discussed in detail
We need to cater for those patients who cannot have dental implant supported restorations and require replacement of missing teeth
Course Outline​
This section is comprised of three parts stressing conservative, mechanical, biological and aesthetic principles for indirect restorations
- Adhesive restorations; RBB (resin-bonded bridges) inlays/onlays
- Tooth preparation: however conservation is stressed Single crowns in zirconia Emax (lithium disilicate) & metal ceramic Rationale for case selection & preparation design
- Bridgework: fixed -fixed, semifixed connection Rationale for case selection, bridgework & preparation design This module continues to module 12 Full mouth rehabilitation

Course Topics​
- Conservation of remaining tooth tissue
- Prevention of damage to pulp, adjacent teeth, or periodontal tissues
- Aesthetics: marginal design & case selection
- RBB (resin bonded bridges)
- Resistance, retention and structural integrity of the foundation core & restoration
- Contingency planning

Course Objectives
On completion of this module You should have good understanding of the following
- Critically assess the importance of traditional concepts of retention & resistance form
- When to bond and when to use traditional cements
- Understand biological damage that can occur as result of tooth preparation to pulp & surrounding teeth and periodontal tissues.
- How to manage iatrogenic damage
- Understand the importance of margin design as it applied case selection and tooth preparation and how to modify your planned preparations, in challenging clinical cases, if required.
- Student is encouraged to develop their unique skills based on biology in applied tooth preparations: determination of taper, amount of tooth reduction
- Fully understand the rationale for these preparation forms for full coverage and partial coverage traditional & adhesive restorations
- Understand the indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages and be able to apply principles to challenging clinical cases
- Impressions bites- please refer to module 12
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