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Webinar 30

ICON in Everyday Clinical Dentistry

Wednesday, 15 March 2023 at 7:15 PM

See the specialist view on the management of white spot lesions in a simple non-invasive treatment: providing predictable solutions to your patients.

  1. What is ICON and what does it do?
  2. Diagnosis of white spot lesions for critical health reasons
  3. Critical thinking in patient assessment: what are the
    pitfalls. What works and what does not?
  4. When to use tooth whitening
  5. When to use micro abrasion? Is it necessary with the new
    ICON treatment?

This webinar will be conducted by Prosthodontist Dr. Sarkis
Nalbandian will discuss the complexity of this treatment and
the importance of correct planning to achieve clinically satisfactory

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