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Equality and Diversity Policy

I. Introduction

The College is committed to ensuring that all members of our community, whether that be students and staff, alumni or visitors of the college can access equal opportunities. Moreover, the College affirms that diversity and inclusion of its community is of utmost importance and will ensure that all involved are able to reap the benefits of a diverse faculty. Thus, this policy will outline the commitments of the College regarding the topics of equal opportunity, cultural diversity, gender equity and disability inclusion. The policy will then go on to state the responsibilities of the college in enforcing the policy, as well as the requirements of students in applying this policy.

II. Access to Equal Opportunity

The College acknowledges the importance of equal opportunity regarding access to education and employment for all staff and students. Thus, staff and students must be witness to fairness, inclusion, and unbiased opinion when concerning access to education and employment. In terms of education, all students have the right to be rewarded and graded based purely on merit and not for any of the following; race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, disability or political opinion. The assessment of students must be purely based on their intellectual ability and knowledge of the topic being examined. The college will aim to improve access to education for those typically excluded as well as eradicate the presence of discrimination.

III. Cultural Diversity

The College values the differences that all students and staff bring to our community. Thus, it is our mission to ensure that these values and perspectives are given the opportunity to flourish. In order to achieve this goal, the college will foster an environment that is accepting of all the different cultures and backgrounds that our community can offer. In doing so, the College commits to supporting Indigenous culture through celebration and awareness. Our commitment to cultural diversity will result in an environment that is supportive and inclusive for all staff and students. Failure to follow the university commitments will result in disciplinary action.

IV. Gender Equity

Gender inclusivity and equity is a key aim of the College. Access to fair and impartial education is a crucial aim for this policy, and thus is reflected in our approach to gender equity. The College commits to fostering an environment that advances the retention and presence of women in Dentistry. The College will eliminate barriers faced by female access to education.

V. Disability Inclusion

The College is committed to the inclusion and support of people with disabilities. In doing so, the College recognises their responsibility to value and enable all our community members with disabilities, so that they can perform at their best. The College will encourage inclusive, diverse and positive attitudes regarding people with a disability through staff and student awareness. As a part of our disability inclusion scheme, the College may require disclosure of personal information to ensure that staff are fully aware and capable to assist those with disabilities.

VI. College Responsibilities

In order to ensure that all the outlined information above is enforced, the College pledges their responsibility to the following;

  1. Make this policy widely available and accessible to all members of our community.
  2. Ensure that any form of discrimination is accounted for and dealt with appropriately.
  3. Advocate for and advance the equality of opportunity and accessibility of education for all.
  4. Commit to the enforcement of the policy document, whereby gender equity, disability inclusion, cultural diversity and access to equal opportunity are all guaranteed.
  5. Take affirmative action to uphold the features of this policy.
  6. Monitor the policy document and ensure it is current and fair.
VII. Application of the Equality and Diversity Policy

In order to ensure that all the outlined information above is enforced, the College requires that all members of the community to uphold the following;

  1. Members of the community include; students, staff, associates, temporary staffers, volunteers, contractors, applicants for study and visitors of the College.
  2. All members must review and understand this policy in order to treat fellow colleagues/students with respect and decency.
  3. Assist the College in eradicating unjustified and unfair treatment and discrimination
  4. Uphold the morals of the College, such that no member is unfairly biased o excluded.
  5. Embed the principles of equality, fairness and inclusivity in daily activity to foster a healthy and prosperous research and learning environment.
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